Uno Aprende - Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges

Después de un tiempo,
uno aprende la sutil diferencia
entre sostener una mano
y encadenar un alma,
y uno aprende que el amor
no significa acostarse
y una compañía no significa seguridad
y uno empieza a aprender.
Que los besos no son contratos y los regalos no son promesas
y uno empieza a aceptar sus derrotas con la cabeza alta y los ojos abiertos y uno aprende a construir
todos sus caminos en el hoy,
porque el terreno de mañana
es demasiado inseguro para planes...
y los futuros tienen una forma de
caerse en la mitad.
Y después de un tiempo
uno aprende que si es demasiado,
hasta el calorcito del sol quema.
Así que uno planta su propio jardín
y decora su propia alma, en lugar
de esperar a que alguien le traiga flores. Y uno aprende que realmente puede aguantar,
que uno realmente es fuerte,
que uno realmente vale,
y uno aprende y aprende...
y con cada día uno aprende.

We apologise for these images but they speak more eloquently than any politician of the plight of Zimbabwe's starving people


For us it is a saddening sight - a magnificent bull elephant struck down in his old age.
But for the starving of Zimbabwe, it was little short of a miracle.
The carcass provided a vital source of food, and hundreds of desperate villagers in the Gonarezhou National Park descended on the dead animal within minutes of its discovery.
Using machetes, axes and knives made from tin cans they set upon the six-ton carcass, which was found deep in scrubland.
Fights broke out as villagers battled to strip chunks of flesh from the animal and drag them away to feed their families.
It took just one hour and 47 minutes for the 13ft-tall elephant to be reduced to a skeleton. Every part was used for food, even the trunk and ears.
The bones of the 70-year-old animal were taken to boil for soup and within 24 hours nothing was left but a blood-stained patch of earth.
The images are undeniably shocking. But they illustrate the terrible lengths to which Zimbabweans are forced to go just to survive under Robert Mugabe.
Yesterday, the Red Cross warned the situation in the former British colony is 'critical' with 2.17million - one in four of the population - requiring urgent food aid.

Emma Kundishora, of the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society, said: 'In some parts of the country, the food situation is as bad as many of our volunteers and staff have ever seen.'
Conditions are expected to deteriorate further this year following the collapse of agriculture caused by President Mugabe's violent seizures of thousands of white-owned farms since 2000.
Erratic rain has also damaged crops of corn. Harvests could produce just 500,000-tons this year, less than a third of the amount required to feed the nation.
Photographer David Chancellor said: 'Just after dawn a villager spotted the carcass as he passed on a bicycle.
'It was in the middle of nowhere, but within 15 minutes hundreds of people had arrived from all directions.

The women formed a ring around the elephant and the men stood inside, fighting and stabbing each other to get to the meat.'
He added: 'The meat was taken back to homes. Some was eaten immediately but most was dried on washing lines and stored to eat later.
'There were celebrations in the surrounding villages for the next two nights.'

Cool Pics!

Carlos Slim - Richest Man in the World!

World's Richest People
Bill Gates No Longer World's Richest Man

Matthew Miller and Luisa Kroll, 03.10.10, 06:00 PM EST

Carlos Slim Helu takes No. 1 spot on Forbes World's Billionaires list as a record 164 10-figure titans return to the ranking amid the global economic recovery.

For the third time in three years, the world has a new richest man.

Riding surging prices of his various telecom holdings, including giant mobile outfit America Movil ( AMX - news - people ), Mexican tycoon Carlo Slim Helu has beaten out Americans Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to become the wealthiest person on earth and nab the top spot on the 2010 Forbes list of the World's Billionaires.

Slim's fortune has swelled to an estimated $53.5 billion, up $18.5 billion in 12 months. Shares of America Movil, of which Slim owns a $23 billion stake, were up 35% in a year.

That massive hoard of scratch puts him ahead of Microsoft ( MSFT - news - people ) cofounder Bill Gates, who had held the title of world's richest 14 of the past 15 years.

Gates, now worth $53 billion, is ranked second in the world. He is up $13 billion from a year ago as shares of Microsoft rose 50% in 12 months. Gates' holdings in his personal investment vehicle Cascade ( CAE - news - people ) also soared with the rest of the markets.

Introducing The F-Class Mercedes Benz

Meet the Mercedes Benz F 800, just a concept now, but when this beauty hits the street it will be as a plug in hybrid with 300 horsepower V6 engine. The car will also feature a Distronic Plus Traffic Jam Assistant feature that allows the vehicle to control itself in traffic jams at speeds under 25 mph.

Words of Wisdom